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[论文设计] 浅析保险投资理财策略

李明 发表于 2011-10-1 11:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    关键词:保险理财  收益  风险
  Both personal income and family income are rising across the board with the rapid development of economy and the progress of modern society in our country. And it calls for great changes of
people's attitude, ideas and treatment as compared to the past. As a result, investment and financing have become a focus.Investment financing is the process of preserving and increasing the value of the wealth thought handling effective investment on the venture of individual assets, such as saving investment, stock investment, foreign currency investment, insurance investment, etc. As an important method of risk control and main component of investment financing, insurance plays an increasingly important role in the development of society and economy. Therefore, it is practical significance to study its application in investment financing.

  The writer does some investigation on insurance investment. On the basis of present insurance investment status, he points out existing problems and shortage. Besides, the measures which can help manage and plan insurement investment rationally are sought. Under these measures, the financial difficulties brought from diseases and disaster can be avoided and the value of assets will be preserved andincreased considerably.
Insurance financial    income    risk

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